由于市场的变化和激烈的竞争,目前电信运营业的发展遇到了很大的困难,走向综合信息服务商已经成为电信界的共识。那么,传统的电信运营商如何向综合信息服务商转型?近日,UT 斯达康公司首席科学家杨景接受了本刊记者的独家采访,对电信运营商在综合信息服务业中的位置、运营基础设施的发展以及推动向综合信息服务发展的路径提出了建议。
Telecom market faces great and fast changes now.and the competition in this field is also great.With the development of information industry in China,the challenge out of development for basic telecom carriers in China becomes greater and greater.And the role they should play also changes from the basic telecom carrier to comprehensive information service supplier,which has become the common understanding in telecom industry.in the following.by interviewing Yang jing from UTStarcom,we will show what the new role of telecom carriers means and how to play the right role.
China Telecommunications Trade