作为世界五大菜式之一,墨西哥菜与中、印、法、意齐名,而对中国消费者来讲,却是"只闻其名,未见其真",只有科罗纳啤酒和龙舌兰酒带来的粗略印象.随着中墨交流的深入,进一步拓展食品贸易的时机已经成熟.两国在食品贸易方面有哪些契合点,前景如何?记者就此采访了墨西哥驻华使馆商务处参赞邵振书(Carlos Santos)先生.
As a member of world five greatest dishes, Mexico dishes have the same fame with Chinese, Indian. Italian, and French. But it is unfamiliar to Chinese consumers except Corona Beer and Tequda. As the deeper communication, the chance has been coming that China and Mexico launch the food trade in wider field. Mr. Carlos Santos, Trade Commissinner of Trade Commission of Mexico Beijing was very confident that Chinese consumers would accept Mexico food and two-side trade would have a bright future.
China Food Industry