目的探讨α-干扰素1b联合肝炎灵注射液对慢性乙型肝炎治疗效果。方法将48例慢性乙型肝炎患者随机分为观察组和对照组,在α-干扰素1b治疗的基础上,观察组另给予肝炎灵注射液4m l肌注,每日一次、三月后为隔日一次、然后观察肝功能,乙肝病毒标记物的变化情况。结果疗程结束及结束后6个月,观察组肝功能指标ALT、AST、ALB、TBIL均较治疗前有显著改善(P<0.05或P<0.01),对照组ALT、AST改善明显(P<0.05)。H BV-DNA及H BeAg阴转率,观察组显著高于对照组(P<0.05),少数患者出现发热、头痛、肌肉骨酸痛等流感样症候群。结论α-干扰素1b联合肝炎灵注射液能明显抑制H BV复制,从而有效治疗慢性乙型肝炎,无严重不良反应。
Objective To investigate the effects of combined treatment with interferon-a lb and ganyanlin injection on HBV replication and liver function in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Methods 48 patients were randomly divided into two groups: control group only treated with interferon-a lb, 5.0MU muscle injected every day for 6 months; experimental group received interferon-a lb combined with ganyanlin injection 4rnl muscle injected every day for 3 months, and then every other day for another 3 months. Serum ALT, AST, ALB, TBIL, HBV-DNA and HBeAg were tested before treatment, 6 months and 12 months after the therapy. Results Liver function improvement were observed at 6 months and 12 months after the therapy in both groups. HBV-DNA and HBeAg positive rate was decreased in experimental group compared with that in control group (P〈0.05). Conclusion Interferon-a 1b combined with ganyanlin injection can inhibit HBV-DNA replication signiticanfly.
Journal of Tropical Medicine