我们曾在大鼠上观察到,用 GABA 局部处理双侧皮层后,电针可使嘶叫阈降低(P<0.05),对照组动物嘶叫阈无明显改变(P>0.05),两组之间有显著性差异(P<0.05)。在该实验中虽见到电针可提高甩尾阈。但给药组与对照组间无统计学差别。而 GABA 抑制皮层后,电针可削弱嘶叫阈的效应,提示皮层可能参与脑干以上较高级中枢痛反应的调节。荷包牡丹碱是 GABA 的拮抗剂,可选择性地减弱 GABA 的抑制作用。设想用荷包牡丹碱处理大鼠皮层后,电针对痛反应的影响可能与 GABA 的作用相反。本文试图以此设想进一步验证皮层对疼痛有下行调制作用。
In this paper effect of EA on nociceptive responses after topical application of bicuculline on the cortical somatosensory area of rats was investigated.Changqiang and Yaoshu point were selected for electroacupuncture.
The results showed that the effect of EA on tail flick latency elecited by radiant heat and vocalization threshold elicited by electrical stimulation of tails in rats were increased after topical application of bicuculline on the
cortical somatosensory area bilaterally;whereas there were no statistically changes in tail flick latency and vocalization thaeshold when the drug was applied unilateraly.It suggests that the cerebral cortex is involved in the
modulation of nociceptive responses at the level of the brain stem and the spinal cord.
Acupuncture Research