The Several Issues in International Relations Studies Deserving Emphasis
International Review
1Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp. 25-32.
2Susan Strange, "International Economics and International Relations: A Case of Mutual Neglect, "International Affairs, 46 ,April 1970,pp. 304-315.
3Susan Strange, "What Theory? The Theory in Mad Money, "CSGR Working Papers, University of Warwick, 18/98, December 1998.
6秦亚青.Theoretical Problematic of International Relationship Theory and the Construction of a Chinese School[J].Social Sciences in China,2005,26(4):62-72. 被引量:14
7Robert Kagan, "The Illusion of 'Managing' China," Washington Post, May 15, 2005 and Robert D. Kaplan, "How we would Fight China," The Atlantic Monthly, Issue of the June 2005.
8熊.布思林,庞中英.国际关系学、区域研究与国际政治经济学——关于使用IPE批评理论研究中国的问题[J].世界经济与政治,2003(3):62-68. 被引量:7
1For a good recent account of the literature on globalisstion and the state,aee Hobson,J.and Ramesh.M.(2002)Globalisstion Makea of States What States Make of It:Between Agency and Structure in the State/Globalisstion Debate'New Political Economy,7(1):2002:5-22
2Payne,A.and Gamble,A(1996)Introduction:The Political Economy of Region alism and World Order'in A.Gamble and A.Payne(eds),.Regionalism and World Order.Basingstoke:Macmillan:1-20.
3Ohmae,K(1995),The End of the Nation State.London:Harper Collins.
4Breslin,S(2000)Decentralisation,Globalisation and China's Partial Re-engagement with the Global Economy'New Political Economy,5(2):205-226.
5For a recent examople,see,Geeraerts.G.and Men Jing(2001),International Relations Theory in China,Global Society,15(3):251-276.
6Zhang Yongjin(2000),The English School in China:A Stary Of How Ideas Travel And Are Transplanted Department of Intemational Relstions RSPAS,ANU:Working Paper No.2000/4
7Knudsen argues that both Ruggie and Wendt'accept more of less implicitly the main tenets of realism,and that the gap between a social constructivist reading of intemation al politics and mainstream traditionalism seems smaller than the argumentative rhetoric would lead us to expect……I have very little problem with anything set forth by either Ruggie or Wendt in these two solid books.except that the specifications they advocate seem to add little of consequence to the theories they want to improve.See,Knudsen,O(2001),Transcending a Fruitless Debate:Towards a Delimitation of Competing Paradigms.http://www.sh.se4/statsvetenskap/files/kmudsen.doc.
8Song Xinning(2001),Building Intemational Relations Theory with Chinese Characteristics;Joumal of Contemporary China 10(26):61-74.p.71
9Zhu Wenli(2001),Intemational Political Economy from a Chinese Angle.Journal of Contemporary China,10(26):45-54.
10Song Xinning and Chan,G(2000),Internstional Relations Theory In China'in Weixing Hu,Weixing Hu,Gerld Chan and Daojiong Zha(2000)China's International Relations in the 21st Century:Dynamics of Paradigm Shift.Lanham:University Press of America.
1苏长和.当代中国国际关系理论:现状和发展[J].国际展望,2009,1(2):47-55. 被引量:9
2赵龙跃.中国参与国际规则制定的问题与对策[J].学术前沿,2012(16):84-94. 被引量:16
3马渤.坚持以马克思主义国际关系思想指导中国国际关系理论研究[J].哈尔滨市委党校学报,2006(6):45-47. 被引量:1
4陈拯.反美主义:美国软权力的悖论[J].国际政治研究,2008,29(1):101-116. 被引量:3
5李永成.约翰·麦凯恩的外交政策构想[J].国际资料信息,2008(5):21-27. 被引量:1
6张德伟,王喜娟,卫沈丽.“区域研究”与中国比较教育学的新发展[J].比较教育研究,2009,30(12):24-29. 被引量:6
7张少雄.民族国家高等教育系统的应然使命[J].现代大学教育,2010,26(2):1-8. 被引量:11
8白云真.区域主义与国际政治经济学[J].教学与研究,2011(2):45-52. 被引量:3
9陈岳,莫盛凯.以深化地区国别研究推动中国国际关系学科的发展[J].教学与研究,2016(7):36-44. 被引量:20
3胡宗山.国际关系中的多边主义:概念、理论与历程[J].社会主义研究,2007(4):125-128. 被引量:11
4钱其琛.当前国际关系研究中的若干重点问题[J].世界经济与政治,2000(9):5-8. 被引量:16
5苏长和.问题与思想——再谈国际关系研究在中国[J].世界经济与政治,2003(3):28-30. 被引量:6
6袁正清.中国的国际关系研究既要解释也要理解[J].世界经济与政治,2003(3):30-32. 被引量:3