Based on Biot theory,the paper conducted numeric modeling for P-wave propagation of in layered saturated porous medium. First , the numeric model of seismic wave in layered medium was built up according to Kennett reflection method, then the affects of Biot slow wave on seismic properties in layered saturated porous medium were studied by using the model. The paper quantitatively ana lyzed the affects of frenquency , porosity , thickness of layers and permeability as well as elastic modulus of rocks on Biot slow wave effects separately in two conditions of elastic pores (effects of P-wave dispersion, Biot global fluid and slow wave being considered) and viscoelastic pores (effects of slow wave being neglected). It is discovered by correlation of numeric modeling results of two models that the equilibration action of liquid pressure be- tween layers of sedimentary basin ( Biot wave) can produce significant attenuation for P-wave in low-frequency scope;the thickness of layers in medium has to vary from several centimeters to tens cen timeters if the attenuation takes place within a fre quency-band of shallow seismic exploration (from tens to hundreds Hz); the more compliance the medium,the larger the porosity and the better the permeability, the bigger the influence of slow wave; in high-frequency band, the effects of slow wave produced on the interfaces on the P-wave dispersion will be bigger if the layers are enough thick and compliance of medium is enough good.
Oil Geophysical Prospecting