The Ed delta deposition is developed in the gulches and valleys of the north slope of Chengji-azhuang uplift. Through the analyses of paleogeo morphology, electric character of rock, seismic re flection feature of sand body and sedimentary fa-cies,the paper considered that Ed sand body is deposition of delta-front mouth bar. Using 3-D visualization technique, the paper conducted the de scription of spatial distribution of delta foreset sand body; 15 foreset sand bodies were discovered by interpretation, which is imbricate arrangement from south to north. On that basis,the oil-bearing analysis of the sand bodies was conducted by cluster analysis technique, which considered (1) there some parts of delta foreset sand bodies that are oil bearing sand bodies and oil-gas mainly accumulates in the high position of sand body; (2) the height of oil column of sand body is shorter and filling level is lower;(3)the reservoir is mainly controlled by the lithology of sand body and paleogeomorphology has some influence on oil-bearing characters of sand body; (4)the sand bodies in overlap belt on both sides of gulches and valleys have good oil bearing feature.
Oil Geophysical Prospecting