Generally, The Revival of Du Liliang for Love is the original story of Du Liliang. Basing on the original story, Tang Xianzu polished it and created the story Peony Kiosk Thus the subject of the story becomes very outstanding, which is due to the reshaping the figure of Mother Duli However, several delicate changes of the figure Liu Mengmei in the story of Peony Kiosk serves as the utter most important function in making the subject more outstanding. This essay plans to make a comparison between The Revival of Du Liliang for Love and The Story Peony Kiosk on the differences of the figure Liu Mengmei on the following aspects : the origin of the name Liu Meng mei, the statues of Liu Mengme, Liu Mengmei's masculine beauty, his falling over for of fame and power. The reshaping of Liu Mengmei by Tang Xianzu makes the subject more outstanding, which is to fight again the sensible with sensibility. The story Peony Kiosk expressed the author's feeling of call on and praise for the True Love.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College
The Revival of Du Liliang for Love
The Story Peony Kiosk
Liu Mengmei
the comparison of the figares