

Research on plane visual tracking system
摘要 介绍了一套自主研制的平面视觉跟踪系统的原理和实现.设计了基于目标速度反馈的PID控制算法,将系统的控制空间由非线性空间转换到线性空间来实现,解决了普通图象直接反馈控制方法由于非线性原因而产生控制效果差的现象.并通过静态目标锁定实验和动态目标跟踪对比实验,检验了该视觉跟踪系统和速度反馈PID控制算法的性能.实验中系统静态目标锁定过程时间约为0.48 s,动态跟踪响应时间约为0.5 s. In the paper, principles and components of the self-designed plane tracking system are depicted. And the target velocity feedback PID control algorithm is schemed out. The algorithm transformed the control system from nonlinear space into linear space and solved the problem that the control effect of the normal image direct feedback control algorithm is not good. By the experiment of fixing static object and contrasting experiments of tracking moving object,the capability of the visual tracking system and the velocity PID control algorithm is tested. In the experiments, the time of fixing static object process is 0.48 s, and the time of dynamic tracking response is about 0.5 s.
出处 《广州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2005年第4期373-376,共4页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 视觉跟踪 PID控制 图象处理 视觉伺服 visual tracking PID control image proceeding visual servoing
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