e have investigated the incidence rate of acute
infectious diarrhea in a certain unit of PLA in North-eastern area of China between June 1992
and May 1993.The annual incidence rate was 20.73%. Acute infectious di-arrheal cases mostly
occurred in summer months (June to September) After multiple regression analysis,the
incidence showed positive correlation with the atmospheric temperature(r=0.9065,t_r=6.79, P<0.
01).As for the search for pathogens, we collected 122 fecal samples from patients with acute
infectious diarrhea. Six generas of agents were found with detectable rate of 40.2%. The most
prevalent pathogens were ETEC (23.1%),followed by
Shigella(8.2%),rotaviruses(A)(7.4%),Campylobacter jejuni(1.6%),Yersinia entercolitica(0.8%),and
Vibrio parahemolyticus (0.9-%).The re-sults of case control study showed that not washing
halids before meal or after defecation and not washing melons before eating were the risk
factors for occurrence of acute infectious diarrhea.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army