本文选择驻东北三省部队营房,进行了住室微小气候和人员舒适程度的调查。结果表明,穿着棉衣(隔热值2.7clo),平均皮温28.7±1℃~27.3±1.2℃,胸额温差3.0~5.0℃,微小风速平均0.069m/s时,80%人员感到舒适的最佳采暖温度为16~18℃。经测定寒区部队营房冬季自然通风量为20.7~52.0m ̄3/h,换气次数为0.18~0.73次/h。在此基础上,加开一小气窗,每小时开窗10min,可使换气次数达到0.8次/h的要求。
he microclimate and comfortable degree in house of trood
barrackswere investigated in three North-Eastern provinces. The results showedthat(1)the
average skin temperature of persons in cotton,padded clothes(heat insulation value is 2.7
clo)was 28.7±1~27.3± 1.2℃,temperaturedifference between forehead and bosom was 3.0~
5.0℃;(2)when the averagetiny wind speed was 0.069m/s,the optimum temperature at which
80percent of persons feeling comfortable was 16~18℃:(3)in winter, theamount of ventilation
detectable in houses was 20.7~52.0m ̄3/h and ventila-tion times was 0.18~0.73/h. On this
basis,if a small transom windowwasopened in 10 minutes per hour, then the frequency of
ventilation of 0.8per hour could be met.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army