In the literary arena of the 1950s and 1960s, nostalgic literature created by female writers in Taiwan were filled with female traits. Those female writers tended to weaken the establishment of "national myth" and the grand narration of great events of the day by focusing on lots of trivial but tree subject matters about homeland's daily life. By virtue of hometown experiences in the visual perspective of female center, their novels exhibited the life predicament and marital tragedy of traditional women living in the lower stratum of Chinese society, and their description of female life growth in native land was highly autobiographical. Their female depiction drifted away from the official exposition and was different from the literary creation of men writers in Taiwan, which has brought about the unique female awareness, hometwon feelings and the visual angle of growth in the nostalgic literature in Taiwan.
nostalgic litetature of Taiwau
female field of vision
hometwon experience
autobiographical color