
细菌耐药的现状与防治策略 被引量:4

The current situation of bacterial drug resistance andits preventive and curative measures
摘要 随着抗生素应用的日益增多,细菌耐药性日趋严重。本文对近年来几种主要病原菌,包括葡萄球菌、肺炎链球菌、肠球菌、产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBL s)的革兰阴性菌、产头孢菌素酶(AM PC酶)菌株、铜绿假单胞菌等的耐药趋势、耐药性的预防与控制的研究情况进行评述。 With the application increment of antibiotics, bacterial drug resistance problem has also fallen from bad to worse. Therefore this article was mainly reviewed the research, carried out both home and abroad recently, concerning the trends of bacterial drug resistance problem, as well as bacterial drug resistance prevention and its controlling. The bacterium, mentioned here, refer to the main pathogenic bacterium such as MRSA, PRSP, VRE, ESBLs, AMPC and Pseudomonas aeruginosa or PA etc.
作者 韩颖
机构地区 天津市民族医院
出处 《天津药学》 2005年第4期67-69,共3页 Tianjin Pharmacy
关键词 细菌 耐药性 抗生素 bacteria ,drug resistance, antibiotics
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