
师范专科学校不同性别新生心理健康水平及其应付方式的差异 被引量:7

Difference of mental health level and coping styles in different sex freshmen from normal colleges
摘要 目的:调查师范专科学校新生的心理健康状况、应付方式及其相关关系。方法:于2004-09随机抽取沧州师范专科学校2004级大专新生304人做为调查对象。采用症状评定量表评定新生的心理健康水平,并与中国青年常模进行比较。症状评定量表主要包括躯体化、强迫、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐惧、偏执、精神病性等9个因子。参照全国成人常模标准:因子分<1.8分为正常;1.8~2.0分为轻度异常;2.1~3.0分为中度异常;>3.0分为重度异常。采用应付方式问卷评定新生面对应激的应付方式,应付方式问卷包含解决问题,自责,求助,幻想,退避5种应付方式。以班级为单位进行团体测试,在测试过程中使用统一的指导用语,无记名,问卷现场回收。结果:发放问卷310份,回收问卷304份,合格率97.9%。①新生症状自评量表各因子评分及与全国青年组常模比较:除躯体化、敌对两因子外,其余各因子评分均显著高于全国青年组常模,差异有显著性。②新生症状自评量表和应付方式的多元方差分析:以症状自评量表和应付方式的各因子为因变量,以性别和生源为自变量进行多元方差分析,在心理健康各因子上不存在性别差异,但在解决问题和幻想两种应付方式上性别主效应明显,男生解决问题因子的得分显著高于女性,女性幻想因子得分显著高于男性;在焦虑、精神病性、求助等因子上生源主效应明显,来自农村的大专新生焦虑程度和精神病性高于来自城市的学生,遇到问题时来自城市的大专新生比来自农村的学生更多使用求助这种积极的应付方式;新生症状自评量表因子与应付方式因子在性别与生源上不存在交互作用。③新生症状自评量表各因子与应付方式各因子作相关分析:新生症状自评量表各因子与应付方式中的解决问题有显著的负相关,与自责、幻想、合理化等因子具有显著的正相关。结论:师范专科学校新生的心理健康水平普遍低于全国青年正常水平,存在不同程度的心理问题与相应的应付方式有密切的联系。面对压力、挫折和困境时,男生比女生更能用积极行动的方式去努力寻找解决问题的办法。女性较男性更倾向使用幻想这种消极、被动的应付方式。 AIM: To explore the mental health status, coping styles and their relationship of freshman in teachers college. METHODS: 304 junior college freshmen of 2004 grade were selected randomly from Cangzhou Teachers College during September 2004. The mental health level of freshmen was tested by symptom evaluation scale, and compared with Chinese youth norms. The scale included somatizaion, compulsion, in-terpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, para-noid ideation, and psychoticism etc. Compared with Chinese adult norm standard: factorial scores were lower 1.8 for normal; between 1.8 and 2.0 for light abnormality; between 2.1 and3.0 for middle abnormality; factorial score higher 3.0 for severe abnormality. The coping style facing stress of Coping Style Questionnaire, which had five coping strategies, tested college freshmen: problem solving, self-blame, help-seeking, fancy and avoidance. The community test was done taking the class as a unit, during the test us-ing unification instruction language without recording the name, and the questionnaires were took back at the scene. RESULTS: There were 310 questionnaires issued totally. The questionnaire counts and retrieves 304 finally; the effective rate of recovery of questionnaire was 97.7%. ① The score of every factor of symptom checklist (SCL) of the freshmen and compared with the national youth norm: Except somatization and hostility, all the factorial scores of college freshmen were higher than that of the national norm, showing a big difference. ② The multi-element analysis of variance of the SCL and coping styles of the freshmen: Each factor of the SCL and coping styles was considered as the dependent variable, and sex and source of students as the independent variable, the multi-element analysis of variance was done. There were no sex differences on each factor of mental health, but a significant principle effect of sex was showed on problem solving and fancy. The scores of problem solving of male freshman were higher than that of female, and the scores of fancy of male freshman were lower than that of female; There was a principle effect among anxiety, psychoticism, help-seeking etc.; College freshmen who came from countryside was higher than others who came from city in anxiety and psychoticism. When facing problems, college freshmen that came from city more intend to select help-seeking that was a positive coping style than college freshmen who came from countryside; There was no in-teractions between factors of SCL and coping style. ③ Relationship analy-sis of SCL and coping style: There was a certain negative correlation be-tween factors of SCL and problem solving, and the positive correlations ex-isted among each factor of self-blame, fancy and rationalization etc. CONCLUSION: The mental health level of college freshman is lower than that of Chinese young norm level, and there are closely related of mental problems with appropriate coping styles. Male college freshman intend to select more positive coping styles when they faced pressure,setback,difficult position, compared with the females. On the contrary, female freshmen use more negative, passive fantasy to seek the method of solving problem.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第28期91-93,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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