
共轭亚油酸运动后效应及其生理调控功能 被引量:1

Effects and physical adjustment function of conjugated linoleic acid after exercise
摘要 目的:共轭亚油酸是近十几年才发现的具有多种惊人生理活性并天然存在的物质。国内对其研究仍处于起步阶段。资料来源:应用网络资源www.goole.com,Medline检索1980-01/2004-12间关于人参皂甙研究的相关文献,以及近3年内的中国核心期刊,检索词:共轭亚油酸(conjugatedlinoleicacid);运动(exercise);过氧化物酶体增殖因子(peroxisomeproliferator)。资料选择:选择运动与共轭亚油酸结合对血脂代谢的影响、共轭亚油酸的化学性质、共轭亚油酸的抗癌特性、共轭亚油酸提高机体免疫力的实验研究等相关文献54篇,排除非随机研究原著性文献,未排除非盲法研究原著的文献。资料提炼:在54篇文献中,排除内容有不同重复的文献13篇;对41篇文献进行分类整理,选为参考文献的有14篇。资料综合:运动与共轭亚油酸结合可降低血瘦素,总胆固醇及三酰甘油水平,显著地降低了肾周和睾丸周围脂肪垫的脂蛋白脂肪酶、葡萄糖6磷酸脱氢酶、苹果酸酶、葡萄糖3磷酸脱氢酶的活力。共轭亚油酸通过干扰花生四稀酸的代谢而具有抗癌特性。共轭亚油酸是过氧化物酶增殖因子,可影响过氧化酶增殖因子激活受体的活性来调节脂代谢。共轭亚油酸能阻止脂肪和血小板在粥状病变的动脉壁上沉积而抗动脉粥状硬化的发生。结论:运动与共轭亚油酸结合对血脂代谢可产生有利影响。共轭亚油酸具有广泛的生理活性,可以抗癌、调节免疫并增加肌肉的重量、防治动脉粥样硬化形成,促进骨质形成。 OBJECTIVE: The conjugated linoleic acid, which is found in recent decades, has many kinds of fabulosity physiological activity and naturally exists. The internal re,arch about conjugated linoleic acid lies in originally phase. DATA SOURCES: We searched the www.google.com and Medline for related articles on the research of ginseng and saponin published between January 1980 and December 2003, and searehed the Chinese central magazine in late three years with the key words: conjugated linoleic acid, exercise, peroxisome proliferator. STUDY SELECTION: Fifty-four related articles were selected, including the experimental researches on the effects of the conjugation of movement and conjugated linoleic acid on the metabolism of blood fat, chemistry character of conjugated linoleic acid, anti-cancer character of conjugated linoleic acid and the increase of body immunity by conjugated linoleic acid etc. Those non-random researches on original literatures were excluded. The non-blindness researches on original literatures were not excluded. DATA EXTRACTION: Thirteen articles with different repetitive literatures were excluded; Forty-one literatures were classified to arrange, and 14 were used as reference. DATA SYNTHESIS: The conjugation of mnvement and conjugated linoleic acid could decrease the level of blood leptin, total cholesterol and triacylglycerol, significantly reduced the activity of lipoprotein lipase, cartose 6 phosphoric aeid dehydrognase, malic enzyme and cartose 3 phosphoric acid dehydrognase of the fat pad around kidney and testicle. The conjugated linoleic acid had the anti-cancer character through the interference on the metabolism of arachidonic acid; The conjugated linoleic acid, which was peroxidase proliferation factor, could have effects on activity of receptors activated by peroxidase proliferation factor so as to adjust the metabolism of fat; The conjugated linoleic acid could prevent he deposition of fat and blood platelet on the artery wall with atheromatous lesion and the occurrence of anti-atheromatous sclerosis. CONCLUSION: The conjugation of movement and the conjugated linoleic acid can develop advantageous effects on the metabolism of blood fat, The conjugated linoleic acid has extensive physiological activity, can prevent cancer, adjust immunity, increase the weight of muscle, prevent the formation of atheromatous sclerosis and improve the formation of bone matrix.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第28期216-217,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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