We propose a scheme to realize a controlled-NOT quantum logic gate in a dimer of exchange coupled singlemolecule magnets, [Mn4]2. We chosen the ground state and the three low-lying excited states of a dimer in a finite longitudinal magnetic field as the quantum computing bases and introduced a pulsed transverse magnetic field with a special frequency. The pulsed transverse magnetic field induces the transitions between the quantum computing bases so as to realize a controlled-NOT quantum logic gate. The transition rates between a pair of the four quantum computing bases and between the quantum computing bases and excited states are evaluated and analysed.
We propose a scheme to realize a controlled-NOT quantum logic gate in a dimer of exchange coupled singlemolecule magnets, [Mn4]2. We chosen the ground state and the three low-lying excited states of a dimer in a finite longitudinal magnetic field as the quantum computing bases and introduced a pulsed transverse magnetic field with a special frequency. The pulsed transverse magnetic field induces the transitions between the quantum computing bases so as to realize a controlled-NOT quantum logic gate. The transition rates between a pair of the four quantum computing bases and between the quantum computing bases and excited states are evaluated and analysed.
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 10447125.