
黑人艺术运动中的女声——索妮亚·桑切斯访谈 被引量:3

Sonia Sanchez in the Masculine Black Arts Movement: An Interview
摘要 美国黑人艺术运动是美国历史上第一次以“社会参与”作为其美学基本要旨的文学运动,它以激进理想和政治热情狂飙般地冲破了美国民权运动时期黑人“抗议和请援文学”的传统,成为“黑人权力”运动的美学之翼。索妮亚.桑切斯正是在这一时期崛起于文坛,成为黑人艺术运动的中坚人物之一。这篇访谈探讨了对索妮亚的思想艺术产生影响的诸多因素,揭示了她在这场运动的不同阶段对宗教、人性、艺术等的思考,展现了她对黑人艺术运动独特的理解、贡献以及她对后来的黑人诗歌的影响。 American Black Arts Movement was the first American literary movement to advance “social engagement” as a sine qua non of its aesthetic. It broke with its radical ideals and political enthusiasm from the protest and petition literature and became the aesthetic wing of so-called Black Power Movement (BAM). Just in such a period Sonia Sanchez rose as one of the leading literary figures of the BAM. This interview reveals the influences on Sanchez's thoughts and artistry,and her reflection over religion,humanity and art at different stages of BAM, while demonstrating her unique understanding of this movement and her contribution to the post-BAM African American poetry.
作者 罗良功
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第4期610-614,共5页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 索妮亚·桑切斯 黑人艺术运动 诗歌 人性 女性 Sonia Sanchez American Black Arts Movement poetry humanity female
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  • 1哈莱姆是美国纽约著名的黑人聚居区,20世纪20年代兴起的美国黑人文艺复兴即发源于此,使这里成为美国黑人文化之都和城市黑人生活区的象征,与作为农村黑人生活区的美国南方相对.
  • 220世纪美国最有影响的伊斯兰组织.
  • 3黑人艺术运动的中坚人物之一阿米力·巴拉卡(Amiri Baraka)曾在其著名的《黑人艺术》一诗中写道:Let there be no love poems written/ until love can exist freely and / cleanly. (让我们不再写什么爱情诗 / 直到爱情能够自由地洁净地 / 存在.)


  • 1Leibowitz H. Exploding Myths An Interview with Sonia Sanchez [J] Pamassus, Winter, 1985: 360.
  • 2苏珊?朗格.哲学新解[M].纽约:企鹅出版公司,1942:212.
  • 3Melhem, D. H. "Soma Sanchez: the Will and the Spirit" Heroism in the New Black Poetry: Introductions and In- terviews Lexington Kentucky: the UP of Kentucky. 1990.132-179.
  • 4Melhem, D. H. "Sonia Sanchez: the Will and the Spirit" Heroism in the New Black Poetry: Introductions and In- terviews Lexington, Kentucky: the UP of Kentucky, 1990.153.
  • 5Henderson, Stephen. Understanding the New Black Poetry [M]. New York: William Moral Press, 1973.30.
  • 6Leibowitz H. Exploding Myths An Interview with Sonia Sanchez[J].Pamassm Winter,1985.360.
  • 7苏珊·朗格.哲学新解[M]纽约:企鹅出版公司,1942.
  • 8Melhem,D.H. "Sonia Sanchez:the Will and the Spirit" Heroism in the New Black Poetry:Introductiom and Interviews Lexington[M].Kentucky:the UP of Kentucky,1990.132-179.
  • 9Melhem,D.H. "Sonia Sanchez:the Will and the Spirit" Heroism in the New Black Poetry:Introductiom and Interviews Lexington[M].Kentucky:the UP of Kentucky,1990.153.
  • 10Henderson,Stephen. Understanding the New Black Poetry[M].New York:William Moral Press,1973.30.









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