Electronics Workbench(EWB)软件是加拿大Interactive Image Technology公司推出的用于电子电路仿真的虚拟电子工作台软件。它可以对模拟、数字或混合电路进行仿真。本文在分析了整个系统的误差分配情况后,着重介绍如何利用ElectronicsWorkbench对拉压测试仪各主要功能模块进行误差分析,实现了对仪器的准确评估及进一步优化设计。
Electronics Workbench (EWB) software developed by Interactive Image Technology Company of Canada is virtual software applied to electronic circuit simulation. It can simulate analog, digital or mixed circuit. After analyzing error distribution of the whole system, this paper laid emphasis on how to use Electronics Workbench 8.0 to conduct error analysis to every major function module of the instrument for testing pull or pressure , and realized the accurate evaluation and further optimal design to instruments.
Foreign Electronic Measurement Technology