本文描述了一个分析模型,用于列管换热器的机械力学性能分析基于这个模型,开发了换热器管板应力分析的计算机程序HECHA 本文所建议的设计程序能满足规范的要求,规范允许使用所提出的计算模型特别是考虑了ASME Boilerand PressureVessel Code。利用计算机对列管式换热器进行应力分析。
In present paper an analytical model is described for use in the analysis of the mechanical behaviour of shell and tube heat exchangers. Based on this model the computer program HECHA for stree analysis of these exch exchangers has been developed. It is shown that the proposed design procedure is in agreement with Code requirements, provided these requirements allow for the use of computer models as indicated in, for example, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. In the streess analysis of tubular heat exchangers by use of computer the precision of stress analysis and design reliability are improved.
Heat exchanger
Stress analysis