
图书馆在签订电子信息资源许可使用合同时的策略思考 被引量:3

Strategic Considerations for Signing Electronic Information Licensing Agreements
摘要 签订许可使用合同购买电子信息资源的使用权是网络环境下图书馆采购方式的重大变革。许可使用合同的内容包括许可使用数据库的数量、费用、信息提供者和使用者双方的权利与义务等条款。在签订许可使用合同时,图书馆应了解电子资源的著作权状态,明确授权用户、授权使用和使用限制,特别要考虑馆际互借条款、存档与永久使用条款、计价模式和付酬方法条款,避免签订含有对图书馆及其用户不利条款的合同。 Under the electronic environment, great change has taken place for libraries to acquire electronic resources. The library can get purchase access to electronic resources by signing licensing agreements. Normally a licensing agreement contains the main clauses such as sorts and quantities of licensed databases, licensing fees and mutual performance obligations of licensor, the information provider,and the licensee, libraries. By signing licensing agreements, attention should be paid to understanding the legal status of electronic information resources, distinction between authorized users, authorized use and use prohibition. In addition, special attention needs to be paid to the items of interlibrary loan, archiving and the right of permanent use. Furthermore, pricing patterns and the ways for payment also need to be taken into consideration. A licensing agreement should be refused if it contains unfavorable items to libraries.
作者 潘菊英 刘玫
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第8期94-98,共5页 Library and Information Service
关键词 电子信息资源 许可使用合同 图书馆 签订策略 electronic resources licensing agreements signing library signing strategy
  • 相关文献


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