

Performance Analysis for Mobile Management of Mobile IP Based on Multi-tier Cellular Structure
摘要 移动IP的实现不能离开移动通信网络的支撑,但是目前移动IP的实现很少考虑具体的移动通信网络结构,尤其是对于目前越来越占主导地位的多层小区的网络结构研究更是如此。文章给出了一种新的移动IP移动性管理方案,包括分层的FA拓朴、灵活的切换控制策略和两种COA方式,与其它的微移动协议相比,该方案更适合多层小区结构的网络。文中还对方案中的两种COA方式进行了深入研究,比较分析了不同应用对系统性能的影响。 Mobile communications network is the base of Mobile IP.But the studying of mobile IP is almost not consider the real mobile communications network structure,especially the multi-tier cellular structure which is more and more dominate in the mobile communications network.A Novel mobile management of mobile IP which include hierarchical topology of FAs,flexible scheme of handoff control and two types of COA is designing in this paper.The hierarchy of FA the MN will register may be decided by the type of basestation the MN connected on layer 2,and the type of basestation the MN will connect may be decided by the information from layer 3 when layer 3 decide which hierarchy of FA the MN should register.In order to satisfy varying services such as HTYP,FTP and stream media and so on,two types of COA (sCOA and tCOA)are adopted.Thus,compare to other micro-mobile proposals,the scheme we designed is more adaptive for multi-tier cellular networks.Besides the basic scheme,it is studied deeply that the affections of system performance caused by different types of COA in this paper.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第24期11-15,22,共6页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 教育部西部地区高校高级访问学者计划基金(编号:教技基[2001]1号) 重庆市科委应用基础基金(编号:8063) 重庆市教委科技基金(编号:040506) 重庆邮电学院4G研究项目
关键词 移动IP 多层小区 移动性管理 Mobile IP,multi-tier cellular,mobility management
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