This study presented the anti -infection capbility and critical amount of autotrans-planted splenic tissue- 360 Wistar rats were divided into six groups- sham operation, total splenectomy, 25, 40, 60 and 80% omental pouch auto - transplantation. After 6 months the anti -infection indexes were measured, and histological architecture was dynamically examined.The results showed: the implanted splenic tissue through oecrosis, regeneration, growth phases, was similar to the nomal spleen? except a few specialcbaracjers were different from the nomal. The autotranspl anten splenic tissue weight neither regenerated to the nomal,nor to the originally implanted amount (The regeneratde splenic weght was significantly correlated to the original implanted. Both the number and area of the splenic nodules in the implantde animals decreased significangly. Among the implanted groups, difference was insignificant, but comparing with the 25% the aren of splenic nodules in 60,-80% group distinctly decreased. After intra -trachea challenge with pneu-mococi (Pn), the survival rate of sham operation and 80% groups were significantly higher than that of the spllenectomy group. PFn. phagcoyte activty in blcod, Pn clearance from the blcodstream of splenectomy group markedly reduced compsred with sham operation, but sll the implanted groups were approximately nomal. After splenectomy, the liver uptake ratd of 3H -TdR labeiled live Pn decreased significantly, the lung one lightly decreased. The implanted splenic tissue one significantly decreased, conpared with nomai spleen.It suggestg that implanted spieen has sbility to protect against infection, amount of implanted splenic tissue must be adequate, autotransplantation of 80% of the spleen is the optimum amount.
Journal of Regional Anatomy and Operative Surgery
Splencctomy Autotransplantation of spleen, Critical implanted amount, Pn infection.