Using the method established recently in our laboratory,we isolated the pure chloroplasts from twogreen leaf seedlings of 2 male sterile lines,and their maintainer lines,3 restorer lines and 6 hybrid F_1 in rice.The isozyme patterns of esterase(Est),peroxidase(POD),cytochrome oxidase(Cyt)in the chloroplasts wereanalyzed with thin-layer pclyacrylamide gel electrofocusing electrophoresis. The results showed:(1)The es-terase showed 19 bands,6 of them were basic. The band zymograms inhybrids F_1 could be divided into fourzymogram patterns:paternal-tending hybrid band pattern,completely complementary band pattern, paternaldominance band pattern and sectionally paternal dominance band pattern.(2)The peroxidase showed morethan 30 bands,they could be divided into three areas. The A area showed 5 bands which could be found onlyin some strains; 6 bands of B area were basic; the bands in C area varied in different strains.(3)The cy-tochrome oxidase showed more than 20 bands,they could be divided into three areas,too. The A area showed5 bands existing only in some strains. B area is basic band area. Different isozymes zymoRrams were shown inCarea.
Bulletin of Science and Technology