Associative nitrogen fixer Alcaligenes faecalis
A--15 has been isolated from rice root. It was
found that the GS and GOGAT activities in
A.faecalis were higher in N_2-grown cells than in
NH_4^+-grown cells. The opposite was true for
GDH. Thq results suggest that assimilation of
ammonia in cells fixing N_2 proceeds via the GS-
GOGAT pathway. By using DEAE-cellulose
column chromatography, SDS-PAGE, rocket
and rocket line immunoelectrophoresis etc.,
it has been shown that the nitrogenase was syn-
thesized by A. faecalis A-15 in the presence of
30 mmol/L ammonia in the culture medium even
though N_2 fixing activity is absent. The crude
extract prepared from N_2-grown cells, however,
showed another band with MW about 50 000
near the MoFe protein band on SDS-PAGE
and it disappeared in the crude extract from
NH_4^+ -grown cells. But the band reappeared
when ammonia was exhausted in the culture
medium. The results suggest that this protein
is related with the expression and regulation of
nitrogenase activity. By using antibiotic CM,
it has been shown that the activity of nitrogenase
synthesized during NH_4^+ -grown period was de-
repressed when NH_4^+ was removed from the cul-
ture medium.
associative nitrogen fixation
repression by ammonia
nitrogenase synthesis