近年来植物离体培养细胞盐适应蛋白的发现以及盐影响下植物信使 RNA 体外转译产物的研究,为耐盐分子机理的研究和耐盐基因的鉴定和克隆开辟了道路。烟草细胞在适应1—2.5%NaCl 之后,细胞蛋白质合成发生变化,特别是26kD 的蛋白质大量积累。体内标记实验表明,细胞从不加 NaCl 的培养基转到加有1%
A protein accumulation has been observed in carrot cell line L104-2 after ada- pting to grow in Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 1% NaCl.The apparent molecular weight of its monomer was estimated at about 66kD by using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylam(?)de gel electrophoresis.Gathered together with the fact that other osmotic reagents such as polyethyleneglycol did not induce its accumulation. which indicated that this 66 kD protein is somewhat different from the 26 kD osm- otins reported before from tobacco and tomato cells,therefore,it seems a salt ada- ptation protein.
Cultured carrot cell
Salt adaptation protein