对6种(株)昆虫微孢子虫和1种鱼微孢子虫的孢子表面蛋白进行了电泳分析。孢子表面蛋白的SDS—聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳图谱测定,可重复性高,并具有种的特异性。通过计算多肽带的相对迁移率(Rm),用欧氏距离法计算每种之间的相似系数,用算术平均的不加权对群法进行聚类,得出一种表示种间距离的表型图。两株家蚕微孢子虫的相似系数是0.98,表明它们是同一种,两种玉米螟微孢子虫的相似系数是0.9,作者认为它们是同种。柞蚕微孢子虫与前几种的相似系数是0.73,蝗虫微孢子虫与上述鳞翅目昆虫的微孢子虫的相似系数是0.58;鱼(Glugea anomala)微孢子虫与昆虫的微孢子虫相差甚远,相似系数只有0.25。文中还对将孢子表面蛋白的电泳分析应用于微孢子虫分类鉴定和害虫流行病学的检测进行了讨论。
Exospore protein from seven species of microsporidia separated with SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and was used to identify species or isolates of microspodia. The elec-trophoretic separation of exospore proteins with SDS - PAGE provided unique, reproducible elec-trophoretic profiles which were not influenced by host species or the temperature at which the host larvae were maintained in development. The unweighed pair- group method with arithemetic means is used to construct a phenogram to summarize the relationship of seven species of mi-crosporidia.
Natural Enemies of Insects