AbstractAn epidemiological study of mental retardation among subjects above 15 years old in an urban and arural area of Lanzhou city was made in April,1990.This revealed 110 cases of mental retardation,giv-ing an overall prevalence of 2.57‰(male: 2.81‰;female:2. 25‰).There was no significant differ-ence between the sexes; Prevalence in the urban (2.19‰)and rural(3.84‰)areas was significantlydifferent(P<0.01).The 15-29 years old was the most commonly affected age group. Congenital fac-tors were more common than post·natal factors as causes of mental retardation,which was also morefrequent in people with lower socioeconomic and educational levels.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry