AbstractTranscranial Doppler ultrasound(TCD)was used to study the serial changes of cerebral cir-culation in 15 patients with hemorrhage after aneurysmal rupture.A marked increase of flow ve-locity of the middle cerebral artery was found in 12 operated patients within 8~ 14 days after on-set.Velocities reached maximum value about 200 cm/s,and then declined.The patients whosemean flow velocity was 84~130 cm/s before operation had good prognosis.Increased intracra-nial pressure and cerebral hypoperfusion were observed in three patients by TCD,and they died in two weeks.The results indicate that TCD is a reliable and convenient noninvasive method for mon-itoring the change of cerebral vasocpasm,intracranial pressure and cerebral blood perfusion,which provides important clinical in formation concerning choice of the time of operation and clinical prognosis.
Journal of Clinical Neurology