This study aimed to study the patchy colonization of helicobacter pylori (HP) in human stomach. 39 chronic gastritis patients were biopsied at 5 places from each patients at antral greater, corpus, fundus and duodenal bulb to determin the inflammation and HP status by HE and W-S stain. The results showed that HP occurence in above 5 areas are 56.4% , 61.6% , 51.3% ,46.2% , 5.1%, no difference was showed in 4 gastric place(P>0. 05). An age related analysis also suggests that no difference for HP positive rate in 4 gastric locations among young, adult and aged groups (P>0. 05). HP is mostly detected in 2 or more locations in each patients harbouring HP, only 1 patient showed HP colonization in lesser curvature among total of 24 HP positive patients, so the patchy colonization of HP in one location is about 4% , and biopsies at antral and lesser curvature could detected 23 of 24 HP positive patients. Results also suggest that HP could colonized at nearly all stomach, but mostly in antrum, HP is not more preferable to old age patients than young group.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology