OP Dainty is a special functional food to prevent osteoporosis,In this experiment,40 Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups. The animal medel of osteoporosis in rats was inducedby. a low calcium diet and dexamethasome. At the end of the experimental peried(5 weeks),therats were killed and the response parameters were determined,The parameters were dry weightand ash weight of the femur,calcium and mineral content in the femur,myocardium lipofuscin,lipid peroxidation(LPO) in serum and liver.The results showed that OP Dainty enhanced sig-nificantly dry weight,ash weight,calcium content and mineral content,inhibited the elevationof LPO, decreased the level of mycardium lipofuscin and regulated the function of the hypothala-mus-hypophysis-gonad axle.
Journal of Nanchang University(Natural Science)