A total of 334 oriented rock samples collected from 43 sites in Fildes Peninsula,Keller Peninsula and Barton Peninsula of King George Island, Greewich Island and Lunar Island have been studied for palaeomagnetism. The geological age of whole samples are assigned to be Palaeocene and Eocene, including 4 stratigraphic units. They are Block Hill Fr.,Fossil Hill Fr., Agate beach Fr. and Jaskper Hill Fr.. The palaeomagnetic results indicate that the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula has already been in situation as they now are, or geographically appreach to the present location during the early Tertiary period. No evidences show the present area has relative movements since that time. Furthermore, the palaeomagnetic data of ours also suggest that anticlockwise rotation has took place in small scale with the north margin of Antarcitc Peninsula during the Palaeocene Eocene period. The rotational direction is about 15 degrees, which may related with the events of South America plate moving away from the Antarctic plate and the opening of Drake Passage. The separating of Antarcitc Peninsula from South America plate may result from the spreading of Drake Passage.