This paper reports theconditions of the 18 cases with polypoidlesion of
gallbladder(PLG),treated surgi-cally in the Hosp ital Affiliated to NingxiaMedical College from
February 1984 toFanuary,1994.All these cases are exam-ined to be true by the
pathologicalmethod,They include 9 inflammatorypolypoid cases, 5 adenoma
cases,2cholestecol polyp,(89 percent ).Peopleaged 30一40 are among the highest inci-dence of
the disease. Most patients havethe symptoms of cholecystitis.The check-ing rate by B
ultrasonic method is thehighest( 95 percent ).The best therapy isto remove the gallbledder
through the op-eration. cmbined with other related arti-cles ,this paper is to discuss the
diagnosisof PLG and the surgical pathological fea-tures, It also works out 5 basic levels of
surgical indication and the. observationmethods as to the patients who do notneed surgival
treament temporarily theporpose of this paper is for colleagues todiscuss with us.
Ningxia Medical Journal