AbstractPot and field experiments with 9 solid compound fertilizers (CFAA) con-taining amino acids on 5 crops showed that CFAAS were new fertilizershaving the samilar fertility as those ones presently used. When applied toxylophyta such as citrus and mulberry, the fertilizers had better effectsthan the common ones. They could cause 190% increase in the yield of ora-nge, 15.6% in sugar conteht, and 15.0% in Vc content. They also increa-sed the production of mulberry leaves by 17-50% and crude protein by 3.9%When applied to grass crops such as rice,wheat, regetable, etc,they couldalso increase the production and improve their quality. A detailed applica-tion methods of these fertilizers to different crops were proposed.
Agro-Environmental Protection