Stress corrosion cracking of En 24 steel has been systematically investigated using constant displacement cantilever beam tests, slow strain rate tests,potentiodynamic polarization and etching technique. The experiments were performed in natural sea water at various applied potentials and a range of heat treatments was used to obtain hardness from 250 to 550 kgfmm^(-2). The results show that the trend of environment sensitive fracture of En 24 steel decreases with the decrease of strength level. There is a critical strength level, below which no SCC is observed. The stress corrosion susceptibility is dependent upon applied potential, being least at an applied potential of-900 mV(SCE). The experimental data, including crack growth rates, fractographs, physico-metallurgical and electrochemical parameters etc, suggest that the mechanism of SCC of En 24 steel is closely related to the applied potential. At potentials more negative than-900 mV, hydrogen induced cracking occurs. From-570 to-900 mV, environmentally assisted cracking results from an anodic dissolution mechanism while both mechanisms may be operative at potentials near to-900 mV.
Journal of Chinese Society For Corrosion and Protection