

On The Optimal Eastboud Route Across the North Indian Ocean During Southwest Monsoon
摘要 北印度洋夏季盛行强劲的西南风,为探索一条安全经济航线,特别是东行横渡印度洋,现习惯上有三条航线供选择: 一、经索科特拉岛北侧航线。二、经索科特拉岛南航线。三、绕过非洲瓜达富伊角后南驶至北纬6度而后经一度半水道东行。船长们都有自己的打算,而且各自认为所选择的航线是最佳航线。为了论证最佳航线,八七年七月特布置走不同航线东行回我国的大德轮、安龙江轮、永宁轮、马关海轮作实航记录,分析研究,取自非洲的瓜达富伊角北至马六甲海峡韦岛灯塔北二点的实航记录。而后又收集了一九八七年、一九八八年西南季风期内我公司所有东行横渡印度洋的船舶的航行资料,作进一步分析,论证选择尽量靠近索科特拉岛北侧航行,可以减少风浪,减少失速,较快的通过风区,过索科特拉岛东角后,船尾偏顺风直驶米尼科伊岛南。而后经栋德勒角到韦岛,从全程来看,又可获得增速,取得最短航时,因而是安全经济的最佳航线。 Strong Southwest winds predominate during summer in Northlndian Ocean. In order to find out the optimal eastbound routethe following three existing habitually adopted routes are in--vestigated:1. passing the northern side of Socotra;2. passing southward of Socotra;3. Round Cape Guardfui in Africa, then steering southward to 6°00' N, thence steering eastward through One & Half DegreeChannel. The captains have their own calculations and each of themalways thinks that the route he adopts is optimal, the safestand most economical one To ascertain which is the best route,the four vessels, namely, M. S. DADE. M. S. ANLONG-JIAMG,M. S. YONGING and M. S. MAGUANHAI, which were then to becastbound across the North Indian Ocean in different were in-structed in July 1987 to record all their actual navigation datafor analysis and study. The recorded data in the voyage weretaken between the two points of the north of Guardfui point ofAfrica and the north of Polowe Island Lighthouse of the MalaccaStrait west entrance. After that, all recorded data from east-bound ships of our company across the Indian Ocean during theSouth--west Monsoon period in 1987 and 1988 were collected forfurther analysis. The conclusion reached demonstrated that theoptimal route is as follows: Keeping as close as possbile to the northern side of Socotrawill meet less stormywaves, reduce loss of ship's speed andquickly pass through the wind belt. when abeam of the eastpoint of Socotra, steer directly towards southern side of Mini-coy island with winds on the Quarter, then through Eightdegree channel to pass Dondra Head and reach Polowe island.From the point of view of the whole voyage, the ship's speed,could be increased and the voyage fime couid be shortened tothe minimum, so it is the optimal route of safety and economy.
作者 王光桢
出处 《中国航海》 CSCD 北大核心 1989年第2期1-6,共6页 Navigation of China
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