The paper introduces the National Information Infrastructure (NII) of the 'Infor-mation Superhighway' and in particular, it explains some considerations in planning the Telecommunication Network Infrastructure. Although the information technology consists of telecommunications, computer/saftware, and microelectronics/optoelectroni-cs, this paper deals mostly with the telecommunications, stating that the Broadband Jntograted Services Digital Network (B-ISDN) is operated on the digital audio, com-puter data, and compressed digital video communications altogether. The transmission relies upon the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy(SDH), using fiber cable to form the Synchronous Optical NETwork(SONET), while the switching will adopt the Asynch-ronous Transfer Mode (ATM), with the Stored Program Control (SPC) offices upgraded to the Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN). For the information applications, the paper explains the functions of private networks LAN/MAN/WAN, emphasizing the operation of the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Mail (E-mail) data services, and use of Very Small Aperture Terminal(VSAT)satellite communication. In addition, it predicts that multimedia services will be available for those sabscribers installed with personal computers.The paper mentions the mobile radio Communication and Personal Communication Servicce (PCS), asserting that the Wireless Access would be included in the telecommunication network infrastructure.Finally, the paper explains the importance of building the Information Industry, and emphasizes especially the urgent need for developing the information in dustry in China.
Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science
Information superhighway National information infrastructure Telecommunication network infrastructure Infromation industry