结构分析用的C_4A_3单矿物纯度要求高,但在烧成该矿物时,由于石膏的挥发,仅用生料组分的摩尔此是不会获得成功的。若采用正交法进行配料设计和烧成工艺参数试验会很好地解决这个问题。试验结果表明,在我们的试验条件下,烧制纯的C_4A_3S单矿物的最佳重量配比和工艺参数是:CaSO_42H_2O 37.0657克;CaCO_344.0564克;At(OH)_376.6921克;烧成温度1320℃,保温1小时。
In order to analyse the structure of a mineral, high purity of the mineral will be needed. In the case. of calcium sulphoaluminate (C_4A_3) it would be impossible to obtain pure compound if a raw mixture according to the molecular formula of C_4A_3was used because of the volatilization of SO_3during heating process. This problem has been satisfactrily solved by orthogonal design experiments, in which three factors, i.e, raw mixture composition, burning temperature and isothermal time, were considered and three levels for each factor were selected. Experi- mental results showed that the optimal values of the factors for the preparation of highly pure C_4A_3are as follow: weight ratio CaSO_4·2H_2O 37.0657 g, CACO_344.0564 g and Al(OH)_376.6921 g, burning temperature 1320℃ and isothermal time 1 hour.