用扫描电镜铸型法观察大鼠肝内胆道系统以及与肝组织间的空间结构关系。结 果:当用中等剂量的铸型剂 (80μl)从总胆管逆向注入时,可见小叶间及小叶内胆管及 Mall’s间 隙内有铸型剂充盈,胆小管中未见铸型剂;当用较大量(200μl)注入时,除上述部位充盈外,还 可见肝狄氏间隙、肝血窦内有铸型剂。表明:铸型剂通过胆管上皮间隙,进入胆管周围淋巴而 入Mall’s间隙;当铸型剂增多时,可经 Mall’s间隙进入狄氏间隙和肝血窦。这可能是临床上造 成胆道-静脉返流的一条途径。
This paper presents observations on the biliary tree in the liver and its three dimensional relationship to the hepatic parenchyma by using scanning electron microscopic corrosion casting technique. When 80μl casting material (CM) was infused retrogradely via common bile duct, it appeared in the interlobular, intralobular biliary ductules and space of Mall. When the infused CM was increased to 200 μl, it appeared in the space of Disse and hepatic sinusoids as well. However, there was no CM in the bile canaliculi. It was suggested that the CM passed the intercellular junctions of the binary ductules epithelium into the lymphatic space of Mall around the ductules. When the amount of CM was increased, it was transfused to the space of Disse and sinusoid further. This may be one of the main pathways of clinie cholangiovenous reflux.
Journal of Fudan University(Medical Science)
scanning electron microscopy
biliary system corrosin casting
cholangiovenous reflux