Customary thoracotomy entry for pulmonary and esophageal operation is intercostalincision or rib resection and incision of periosteal bed. Incision through the periostealbed gives larger exposure but more tissue injury than that through the intercostal space. The resected rib gives rise to local deforming depressed chest wall and decreases pulmo- nary function. We have devised a thoracotomy incision by dividing the middle partion of a riband enter the pleural space through rib bed.This method has been used in one hundredsurgical patients The exposure is similar to that obtained by incision of periosteal bed. After operation patients could cough more effectively and get out of bed early. No pa-tient suffered from atelectasis.Neitner deformity nor softening of the thoracic wallwere developed.Three weeks after operation the X-ray film showed good alignmen ofthe divrded rid ends.
Shanghai Medical Journal