The results of the animal experi- mental study of applying 2000Hz medium frequency on the abdomen or back of four rabbits were presented.It was pro- red harmlessness when the current den- sity was lower than 4mA/cm^2.4 to 6mA/cm^2 current density caused first degree burn of the skin.Second to third degree burn was induced when the current density was 6.5mA/cm^2.A 2nd degree burn would be caused when the density was over 4mA/cm^2,improper weided electrode or without padding. The local skin temperature differences were measured before and after the application of the current.The highest skin temperature change could be over 9.2℃.This result showed the injury was induced by heat due to unduely high current density and improper placed electrode.Based on this study,some preventive cautions of the injury were indicated.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine