bjective To report 8 cases of rare pul-monary
fungal infections in the recipients ofrenal transplantation and discuss the diag-nosis,
management and prevention of pul-monary fungal infectons in this patient pop-ulation.Methods
and results Retrospectively anal-ysed the clinical and autopsy data of 27 re-cipients of renal
transplantation and discov-ered that 8 patients suffered from pul-monary fungal infections
prernortally, in-cluding 1 case of cryptococcosis neofor-mans, 2 cases of niucormycosis, 2
cases ofaspergillosis and 3 cases of Nocardiasis. Bac-terial superinfection was identified in 4
pa-tients. The infections occurred in 15 days to2 years post-transplantation. Premortal clin-ical
manifestations included chills, highfever , headache , productive cough and dysp-nea.
Diagnoses was established by premortalclinical presentations and autopsy.Conclusions We
believe that followingpoints may contribute to early diagnosis andsuccessful management of
pulmonary fungalinfections in the recipients of renal trans-plantation : ①lthorough physical
examinationbefore transplantation ; ②zclose observationof the clinical manifestations
suggestingpossible fungal infection ;③careful examina-tion of the specimens from
differentsources ; and ④proper and timely prophylac-tic antifungal treatment.
Chinese Journal of Nephrology,Dialysis & Transplantation