FTIR was used to examine the seconda ry structural changes of GA in solid state,phospholipid bilayer and in the presence of sodium cation. In solid state a strong amide Iband Was observed at-1630cm-1 accompanied by a shoulder at-1685cm-1. Thestrongest amide Ⅱ band was at-1530cm-1. The predominant structure of GA was doub le-stranded anti-panalle helix. This is the non-channal conformation of GA. Thereconstitution of GA in DPPC did not change its 1633cm-1 band but the shoulder at1685cm-1 disappeared. The amide Ⅱ band also shifted to 1550cm-1. These data suggestedthat GA had undertaken a conformational change: from the double-stranded β helix to asingle-stranded β helix consisting of the head-to-head dimer. This is the channel.conformation of GA. Binding of Na+ to the GA channel did not change the main βbelical conformtion in the hydrophobic area. But a ed-quantitative analysis indicated thatthe unordered structure of the peptide decreased from 22% to 11% in the presence of Na+.The result suggested that the sodium binding caused a partial change in the unordered structure, which probably acts as a " door" of the GA channel. The "door" is "closed"when there is no ion binding but can be "opened" by adding of Na+.
Acta Biophysica Sinica