LDH一release method has been u sed to measu re NK activityand APAAP method to investigate
Tlymphocyte sbu bse ts in 3 0 cases of prim ary breast can cer two weeks before and after
operation. 20 ofthem wereassayed again 6 weeks after operation,The results showed that NK
activity, OKT4 ,and OKT4 /OKT8 in the breastcance r patients were greatly decreased be fore
operation , and had a tendency Of decreasing with the progress of thedisease ,but OKT8 had an
increasing tendency ,especially in the advanced cancer. All results were similar when
assayed2weeks after operation. NK activity ,OKT4 ,OKT4 /OKT8 were significantly increased in
6 weeks after operation, bu tOKT8 was significantly decreased. It shows that the resection of
the tumor would be b enificial to the recovery of theim munocompeten ce of the pa tients with
breast ca n cer. The cor relative analyses demonstrate that there is a positivecorrection
between NK activity and OKT4,OKT4/OKT8 ,and proved that the immune system of orgnism
possesses asy n ergistic anticancer capability.
The Practical Journal of Cancer