During the past decades, a large number of synthetic and natural products have been studied. More than 4000 medical plant prepara-tions. 5,000 synthetic compounds and 10000 fermentation products from mic-robial strains were screened. Among synthetic compounds, N-formyl sarcolysin was very effectivein seminoma of the testis. In 118 cases treated with this agent, the 15-yearsurvival rate was 65.3%, and those for 8tage Ⅰ, Ⅱ A, ⅡB, Ⅲ and recurrentpatients were 100%, 60%, 50%, 40% and 66 .7% respectively. Some stage Ⅲpatients with bone an liver metastasis were also cured more than 25 yearsafter treatment. Other agents such as Nitrocaphane (AT-1258), Tisurpurine(AT-1438), Glyciphosphoramide (M-25) and Uraphetine are effective inmalignant lymphomas, Lung cancer, choriocarcinoma and other malignan-cies. Plant principles such as Harringtonine and Homoharringtonine, Hy-droxycamptothecine have been demonstrated with remarkable therapeuticactivity against stomach cancer, acute myeloblastic leukemia and eryro-leukemia, esophageal cancer and others. Pingyangmycin (Bleomycin A5)developed from the soil in China is one of the most effective anticancerdrugs in clinical cancers. Some traditional Chinese medicinal herbs were used and studied as BRMs,and also proved may promote the host defense mechanism in both in vitroan in vivo Studies. Long-term results of cancer patients treated by theseherbs or set prescriptions containing these herbs indicate that the patientswho received this kind of medicinal herbs survived longer than the patientswho received chemotherapy or irradiation alone. Traditional Chinese herbsused as radio-or chemo-sensitizers are also effective both in laboratory andclinical studies.
The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology