During the early years of 1980s, Chinese pharmacologistsand cardiologists, having finished their visitstudy in cardiovascular clini-cal pharmacology in different western countries, went back China to set upclinical pharmacology bases under Chinese Ministry of Public Health'sdirection. They are (according to alphabetic order): professors JIANGWen-De, FAN Qi, LIN Da-Guang, LOU Ya-Qing, TAO Ping, ZHANG Cai-Li, ZHEN Fan-Dian and ZHU Jin-Ren, CHEN Kang and CHEN Qiu-Chao are supplementing the techniques to the bases. In the university keybases of clinical pharmacology such as in cities Beijing, Shanghai and Ch-angsha, regular teaching courses are given to graduate-students, traineesin clinical pharmacology, researchers and governmental drug-adminis-trators. So far, basic parmacokinetic properties of about 22 cardiovasculardrugs have been reported in China. They are: propranolol, metoprolol, digo-xin, β-digoxin, lidocaine, bupivacaine, quinidine, procainamide, and NAPA,aprindine, amiodarone propafenone, ethmozin, disopyramide, Changrolin,Ginsenoside, Danshensu, Dauricine, sodium selenite, Kakuol, urokinaseand tissue plasminogen-activator. Phenotyping of debrisoquine hydroxyla-tion in Chinese population of various districts have been realiaable bydeveloping domestically the assay technique using GC (LOU Ya-Qing) andHPLC (JIANG Wen-De). For many C-V drugs Chinese normal volunteerspresent similar pharmacokinetic profiles to Caucasians, however, intra-venous propranolol (5 mg, bolus) resulted in half of the volunteers 3-foldhigher Cmax than in Caucasians, accompanied by significant bradycardia.In a novel report, the hepatic first-pass metabolism rate of the antiarrhy-thmic ethmozin was determined to be 0.52 and the drug can he found in theCSF. On the part of clinical pharmacodynamic studies, only a few studieswere reported correlating plasma drug levels to the pharmacological response,such drugs are: propranolol, disopyramide, ethmozin and aprindine. In asmall sample of patients (34 premature beat patients), the herbal principleDauricine therapy brought about a very high remission rate. The Italianantiischemic drug esafosfina (FDP) was lately proved by the author to actas a new type of calcium-antagonist by extruding and decreasing intrace-llular Ca^(2+) as consequence of activated energy metabolism. Finally, the Chinese Drug Administration Bureau of the Ministry ofPublic Health is now initiating the postmarket surveillance of drug adversereactions as shown by the review article written by WANG Vong-Ming andSONG Tao-Leng.
The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology