The experimental
study in rabbit is to compare the tolerance of four domestic
prosthetic materials: carbon fiber mesh、 siliconized velvet、 silk
and dacron cloth in the tissue.The four prosthetic materials were
implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal wall of
rabbits. These implants and their surrounding tissues were excised
after operation at second、 fourth, eighth and twelfth weeks.using
“LUEX一F’picture analysis machine to count the fibroblastic cells
and inflammatory cells in sur-rounding tissues of each material and
counts fibroblastic/ inflammatory cell ratio(FC / IC ratio). The
result shows that fibroblastic cell reaction elicited by carbon fiber
mesh is greatest in the four prosthetic materials,dacron cloth the
second.The inflammatory cell reaction elicited by silk is
greatest,second iS carbon fiber mesh,dacron cloth the least. The
tolerance of dacron cloth knew by FC/IC ratio in tissueis the best in
the four prosthetic materials, while sick is the worst. Studying the
to lerance of four domes-tic prosthetic materials in the tissue may
be a basis for selecting the best prosthetic material.
Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
Abdominal wall defect, Carbon fiber mesh,Siliconized velvet,Dacron
cloth silk