Abstract Since 1980s, the world forestry increasingly tends to be convergent. In gene-ral terms ,this tendency embodies the following 5 phases of transitions : 1. transition fromconventional forestry to ecologic forestry, 2. transition from traditional sustained forestutilization to sustainable development, 3. transition from mere exploitation of naturalforests to establishment of fast growing plantations, 4. transition from production ofsawtimber and plywood to production of paper products and non-veneer panel , 5. trans-ition from conventional forest management model to sustainable forest managementmodel. Therefore the author believes that judged by the current development trend ofworld forestry the decisive factors influencing forest developement are the forest policiesformulated and implemented by a country for forest managemant. The recommendationsmade by the author for the forest industry in China are that priority should be set on ex-pansion of the forest resources, that the integration of forest with industry should bereinforced with optimization of forest structure , that professional management should beenforced by using investment from home source and cooperating with foreign ventures,that great support should be given by the government, that a high quality , high yieldingand highly effective forestry should be conducted by reliance on sci-technological progress so as to ensure a sustainable development and the forest administrative organizationand relevant policies should be kept stable as long as possible.
World Forestry Research