Abstract After the foundation of the People's Republic of China, Chinese foresters in-discriminately imitated the forest management idea from the former Soviet Union of1920s and 1930s. The definition of quantitative maturity and technological maturity wastaken as a guiding policy in the compilation of forest management plan. The goal offorest management was to yield the maximum quantity of products- Under the currentconditions of market economy, such an approach to forest cultivation and managementmakes it difficult to realize optimum economic effects, consequently, forest enterprisescan hardly suit the features of market economy, can hardly meet the market compet-ition. The author suggests to review the problem of forest maturity, to instate the guid-ing role of economic maturity in the compilation of forest management plan. The paperdiscusses two great schools of forest economic maturity theory, the development offorest economic maturity theory, the fundamental work and steps to the definition offorest economic maturity age ' the difficulties on defining the forest economic mature ageand the countermeasures.
World Forestry Research