Fourteen parent fish of Sebastodes .fuscescens caught from off shore were reared in kelp seeding pond under the condition of water flowing, and naturally spawnde. 361400 laealthy fry were collected, with a spawning rate of 28. o7K statistically. 322198 juviniles with a total ler:gth of 14. 2-30 mm were produced after 20-30 days of rearing with a series of food such as chlorella, rotifers, anemia nauplius, small quantity of zooplankton from the sea and fish, shrimp meat paste. The average survival was 89. 15% and the unit yield was 6712 indi./m3. Within a temperature range of 18-24℃, the average daily growth of the juviniles was about 0. 5mm. Bacteriai disease of fish could be effectively prevented if 1 mg/l of chloeamphenicol and 0. 3 mg/l of Yu Xia An were used in turn every 3-5 days. The fungous disease of fish could be prevented if the fish were bathed in 0. 05 mg/l of malachite green solution for 15-20 minutes.
Fisheries Science & Technology Information
Kelp seeding pond Sebastodes fuscescens Artificial seed rearing Disease prevention