本文用俄歇能谱(AES)、电流-电压(I-V)和电容-电压(C-V)电学测量等方法,研究了反应溅射制备的TiN/n-GaAs肖特基势垒特性.经800℃高温热退火后,TiN/n-GaAs势垒具有良好的整流特性和高温稳定性,其势垒高度为0.80cV,理想因子n为1.07.同时还观察到许多有意义的结果:即随着退火温度的升高(从500℃到800℃),TiN/n-GaAs肖特基二极管的势垒高度增大,势垒电容减小和二极管反向击穿电压增大.我们认为这可能与溅射过程中GaAs衬底中掺氮有关,并用Shannon模型(即金属/P-GaAs/n-GaAs结构)解释了以上结果.研究结果表明,在自对准GaAs MESFET工艺中,TiN是一种很有希望的栅材料.
The characteristics of TiN/GaAs Schottky barriers formed by reactive sputtering are in-vestigated using Auger electron spectrum,current-voltage and capacitancevoltage measurements.TiN/GaAs Schottky contact is thermally stable and maintains excellent rectifying characteristicsafter rapid thermal annealing (RTA) at 800℃.The corresponding barrier height of 0.80 eVand ideality factor of 1.02 are obtained.Besides,When the contacts are annealed from 500 to800℃, the major interesting results are observed.enhancement of barrier height,a decrease ofbarrier capacitance and an increase in reverse breakdown voltage of the diode.This is attribut-ed to the incorporation of nitrogen into GaAs substrate during sputtering deposition.We haveinvoked the Shannon contact model (i. e., metal/p-GaAs/n-GaAs structure) to account for theabove results.Our study suggests that TiN is a suitable gate material for self-aligned GaAsMESFET process.